Seed muse
VOL. 6 Jenna Holmes As creative director and founder of Pasta Club, Jenna Holmes throws the dinner parties you want to be at. Also known as Pasta Mama, she creates events full of colour, connection, and fun, fuelled by disco music and fresh produce. We caught up with her at our Hotel Seed event to see how she makes it happen.
  • @pasta_mama_
WHAT’S THE PASTA MAMA PHILOSOPHY? I think when it comes to hosting, people make things too complicated and that creates stress. If you think about the menu and make it simple, do as much as possible beforehand and maybe just have one thing on the stove and one in the oven, you’ll enjoy it a lot more. Don’t make it too hard, it doesn’t need to be. Release a bit of pressure on yourself.
What’s the first thing you think about when you’re planning an event?  It’s all about the environment, meaning both the location and the people coming. Does everyone know each other, or is it a bit more of a mix? That can really change the vibe. Where you are is important too, though. You want it small enough to feel intimate, big enough that it’s not crowded. I always love a small dinner party, six to eight people. You wind up actually talking to everyone.
"If you think about the menu and make it simple, you’ll enjoy it a lot more." JENNA
"At my events there’s a lot
going on the table, but it’s
all been considered and
planned. I like having
things be a bit unmatched."
What are your five essentials for creating the right dinner party vibe? Vases, candles and candle holders, mismatched platters, always a tablecloth, and seasonal produce. From Seed, I love the stripe placemats and napkins. I have such a thing for stripy fabrics, they always feel a bit Mediterranean.
What’s your go-to starter when you’re having people around? Bruschetta is the easiest and best option. You can make a good portion of it beforehand, get the bread toasted and some goat’s cheese ready. It’s the simplest thing to make with whatever you’ve got on hand. Just put down a creamy element and then something fresh on top and it’s good.
What’s your go-to starter when you’re having people around?   Bruschetta is the easiest and best option. You can make a good portion of it beforehand, get the bread toasted and some goat’s cheese ready. It’s the simplest thing to make with whatever you’ve got on hand. Just put down a creamy element and then something fresh on top and it’s good.
How would you describe the Pasta Mama dinner party style?  It’s all about things being a bit disorganised and chaotic, but thoughtful. At my events there’s a lot going on the table, but it’s all been considered and planned. I like having things be a bit unmatched and asymmetrical.
Describe your favourite summer meal. I’m not usually much of a breakfast eater, but in summer I’m obsessed with an 11am bowl of cut cold fruit as the first meal of the day. Serve that with a cold Greek coffee. Amazing.
What music will you be playing for parties this summer? I have a playlist you could probably just call chill disco. Diana Ross, the Supremes, the BeeGees, Cher, that kind of stuff. It just rolls on in the background and sets the tone. Light and fun.
What music will you be playing for parties this summer? I have a playlist you could probably just call chill disco. Diana Ross, the Supremes, the BeeGees, Cher, that kind of stuff. It just rolls on in the background and sets the tone. Light and fun.